biladina/yii2-hijridatetime Hijri Date Time - Yii2 Extension for using Hijri date time, compatible with 'Umm al-Qura' formal calendar in Saudi Arabia and... (see full description)

Hijri Date Time

  1. Installation
  2. Usage

Hijri Date Time extension is a convenient and complete solution for users who want to use Hijri date in their projects and convert Gregorian calendar to Hijri (Islamic) calendar. This extensions is 100% compatible with "Umm al-Qura" formal calendar in Saudi Arabia and the Muslim world.

It support Arabic, English, France, and Indonesia languages.

This extension is made by Abdulrhman Alkhodiry & Abdul-Aziz Al-Oraij. I just add some addition for compatible with Yii2 and wrap it to composer.

The original source here


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Just run

composer require biladina/yii2-hijridatetime


Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by :


use biladina\hijridatetime\HijriDateTime;

// Choose Your Format Like 'l ، j F ، Y'
// Y => Hijri Year [1442]
// F => Hijri Month Arabic Name [رمضان]
// j => Hijri Day Number [27]
// l => Arabic Day Name [الجمعة]
// m => Hijri Month Number [09]
// a => 'ص'
// A => 'صباحًا'
// H => Hour
// i => Minutes
// s => Seconds

$hijri = new HijriDateTime();

$hijri->date("H:i A l, d F Y",time()) // formatting is like date function
// will return 16:16 PM Jum'at, 01 Ramadhan 1441

$hijri->GeToHijr(20, 02,  1976)
// will return Array Hijri date[int month, int day, int year]

$hijri->strToHijri("24 April 2020")
// will return a Date in Hijri d-m-Y if not formated
//-------- Or -----------
$hijri->strToHijri("24 April 2020 15:00:00", "l, d F Y H:i A")
// will return a Date in Hijri as formated like Jum'at, 01 Ramadhan 1441 15:00 PM

If you want to change language, open your config main.php file, change the languange id.

return [
	'language' => 'id-ID', // 'en-US' for English, 'ar' for Arabic, 'fr' for France, 'id-ID' for Indonesia
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1 follower
Yii Version: 2.0
Category: Date and Time
Developed by: biladina
Created on: Feb 10, 2022
Last updated: (not set)
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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