edbfixturemanager Easy to use extension for fixtures

EDbFixtureManager - is simple tool for manage and use fixtures with Yii framework.


1) All attributes what you want to assign to certain model instance, must be defined with safe validation rule;

2) Don't forget configure tablePrefix option for db connection definition;

Basic usage:

1) Download the extension and place it in extensions directory;

2) Create file called fixtures.php, with content, what will be looks like this:

return array(
    'ModelClassName' => array(
        'modelInstanceId' => array(
            'field1' => 'value1',
            'field2' => 'value2',

NOTE. The fields that you want to assign to the model instance, need to be defined with safe validator in rules() method of the model!

3) Make sure that you configure database config for console application: Add the following code to your console config:

'commandMap' => array(
        'fixtures' => array(
            'class'          => 'ext.fixture_manager.EDbFixtureManager', // import class of console command
            'pathToFixtures' => '/var/www/chooseone/protected/extensions/fixture_manager/fixtures.php', // pass the path to your fixtures file
            'modelsFolder'   => 'application.models.*', // specify the folder where your models classes lays

NOTE. If you you have a module architecture and your models lays in multiple folder you can specify modelsFolder as array. E.g. 'modelsFolder' => array('application.models.*', 'application.modules.user.models.*') ,

4) Run in cli: php path/to/yiic fixtures load ;

Advanced usage:

If you want to truncate your tables instead of just delete rows from database:

A) Download PHPSQLParser (you may download it from here, but I RECOMEND to use the attached version of library) ;

B) Place the extension folder where ever in you application, but don`t forget to configurate settings in console config, by appending:

'commandMap' => array(
       'fixtures' => array(
       'php_sql_parser' => '/path/to/PHPSQLParser.php',

C) Run cli command with option: php protected/yiic fixtures load --truncateMode=true;

TO DO list

1) Add developer friendly messages about non-existing models or tables

2) Add relation support

(OPTIONAL. If I find a better way to truncate DB, I will do this)

You can find the extension here Github.

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Yii Version: 1.1
License: MIT
Category: Database
Developed by: panzer_commander
Created on: Jan 19, 2015
Last updated: 9 years ago


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